2024 Resources, Proceedings, Reports
For prior years, see 2023 Resources or 2022 Resources
The Land Restoration School will be in session Tuesdays through Fridays, beginning June 5th through August 15th, 2024.
See 2024 schedule at a glance.
Slideshow of LRS 2024 in progress!
Land Restoration School Associates Program
In addition to the LRS Restorationists, some Associates from our Partners (below) will attend some of the teaching and fieldwork days, sharing resources and rotating among field sites to amplify each group’s work.
Our lead partner hosts fieldwork at numerous Preserves representing a range of habitat type, land use history, and restoration trajectory. OWLT land stewardship staff who will lead the fieldwork days are filled with insightful and practical knowledge about effective land restoration and management that they readily share.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Field Station
Map of Cedarburg Bog (courtesy Friends of Cedarburg Bog)
Some LRS workshops will be held here in the Lab Building and outdoors. This renowned Field Station is located within the largest intact wetland complex in southeastern Wisconsin. It contains a range of habitats including upland glacial landscapes from oldfield to forest, several kinds of wetlands, and deep and shallow bog lakes. The UW-Milwaukee Field Station provides a range of wonderful learning landscapes and educational facilities.
Mequon Nature Preserve Location and Trail Map
Some LRS workshops will be held here in the Education Center and outdoors. MNP is a guiding example of habitat restoration by returning its land to a mosaic of forests, prairies, and wetlands by breaking drain tile in the agricultural fields, removing invasive species, planting native trees and shrubs, and throwing down native plant seed.
Nearby Nature will host fieldwork at neighborhood natural areas. Nearby Nature Milwaukee is an environmental justice and equity initiative to build healthier and more resilient communities.
Thank you to our Partners and Supporters: